

More and more people want to get out into nature, the mountains and the landscapes that they know from various pictures on the Internet, from TV reports or from stories.


It is not always easy to keep track of terms like sport climbing, alpine climbing, rock climbing or bouldering. This article should bring some light into the darkness of the climbing types.


A mountaineering tour is a mountain tour that takes place at the altitude level of year-round ice cover. Mountaineering tours require special preparation and equipment.

Skitouring (snowboard)

Ski touring is a special kind of winter sports on skis off-piste. It involves climbing a mountain on skis before descending with them into the valley.

Snowshoe tours

When hiking with snowshoes, you move far away from civilization in untouched, often deeply snow-covered winter landscape. The hikes train endurance and combine the experience of nature with various positive effects on health.

Via ferrata

For many years, via ferrata walking has enjoyed great popularity. Because on a via ferrata, even without being an extreme climber, you can venture into vertical rock faces well secured with a via ferrata set.